Piyush Kumar

Hey, This is Piyush Kumar, a graduate from IIT Kanpur (IITK). I did my BTech major in the Department of Electrical Engineering with two minors from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering: Computer Systems and Theory of Computing. Currently, I work at American Express as a Software Engineer. I've been an active member of Aerial Robotics IITK during my undergrad, where I worked on various Robotics projects and competitions. My interests lie in Robotics, Computer Vision, AI and Software Development in general.

To be honest, many things interest me that I haven't explored enough, like Virtual and Augmented Reality, Cryptocurrency, Blockchain, Cognitive Science, Genetics, Philosophy and Psychology, which I explore through reading books in my leisure.

A Quote

Every single person deserves respect and love.

Trajectory-Constrained Standoff Target Tracking using Barrier Lyapunov Functions

Contributed as a co-first author

2024 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) SciTech Forum and Exposition

Research explorations

My thoughts on research papers that I explore. More for the purpose of tracking my learnings.

Software Development Engineer

American Express, Bangalore, India

July 2023 - Present

Working in Payment Tokenisation team in which we develop and maintain the lifecycle of tokens that we generate from customer card numbers.

Undergraduate Researcher

Advisor - Prof. Twinkle Tripathy , Deparment of Electrical Engineering, IIT Kanpur, India

July 2022 - May 2023

Worked on designing a control law for an agent having unicycle kinematics using a potential function based on a Barrier Lyapunov Function (BLF) to autonomously stabilize it upon a circular trajectory while avoiding a restricted inner circular region.

Technology Intern

American Express, India

May 2022 - July 2022 (Secured a Pre-placement Offer)

Worked on migration of applications from private to public cloud based on their confidentiality and risk.

Research Intern

Mentor - Prof. Gerardo Flores CIO, Mexico

May 2021 - July 2021 (Remote)

Learnt Fundamentals of RL. Conducted Literature Reviews. Explored Hybrid Reinforcement Learning Control for a micro quadrotor flight. Implemented RL-based controller for warehouse robot. Explored DDPG algorithms for bipedal walking robots

DRDO's UAV Guided UGV Navigation Challenge

10th Inter IIT Tech Meet, IIT Kharagpur

Worked on a problem of UAV guided UGV navigation in hilly terrain. Won Bronze Medal in this event

DRDO's DGRE Vision Based Obstacle Avoidance Drone Challenge

9th Inter IIT Tech Meet, IIT Guwahati

Worked on a problem of Vision based obstacle avoidance using UAV. Won Bronze Medal in this event

International Aerial Robotics Competition

Mission 9 Simulation Challenge

Worked on International Aerial Robotics Competition, Mission 9 simulation challenge as part of the team Aerial Robotics IITK. Ranked in Top 12 teams worldwide

Autonomous Driving

Done as part of the course CS637A

Implemented the research paper Rule-based Optimal Control for Autonomous Driving

SDF Planning Library

Aerial Robotics IITK

Explored autonomous navigation and path planning based on generation of Truncated and Euclidean Signed Distance Fields from depth pointclouds using Voxblox

Map Generation

Aerial Robotics IITK

Developed a software to generate a 2D map of an area using OpenCV in simulation

Blog Generator using Llama 2

Built a Blog Generator app using Llama 2 chat model

Twitter Name Changer Bot

Built a Twitter bot capable of updating my profile name based on my number of followers. Used Heroku for Deployment


I sometimes write too!

Get in touch

I am open to have a conversation!